was organized by students from Hotel Management.
The games provided to TARC's students are Zorb ball, water ball, archery, Limbo dance and other station games.
I attended both days' activity.
It was a very fun, nice and special experience for most of us who attended the activity.
After school, me, Vivian, Tong Seng, Queenie and Tuck Seng went to swimming pool,
which is the venue of the water ball and station games.
And coincidently we met Ms Hee there.
Actually before she told us she was going to play Zorb ball at football field there,
but since we keep persuading her to play water ball instead,
because we feel that water ball is much more interesting than Zorb ball,
since Zorb ball needs an incline to play,
but organizer only allowed participants to play it at flat football field.
So I think Ms Hee changed her decision after our PERSUASIVE comments. :x
What's going on that day?
Let's see. xD

Ms Hee and her Upper 6 student.

Oh NO! That's Ms Hee! No image already lah...

Hi Cheese! All of us were water ball participants ^^

Queenie and me in water ball

What are you doing, Queenie?! Poor me T^T

Vivian and Tong Seng

Evil Ms. Hee, seems so enjoyed to push others into water =.=

Approaching approaching approaching......

Very nice to be above water surface isn't it? ^^

BRAVO Angeline! ...And my photography skills xD
What a classic photo ^^

Hey set me free !

Wow, able to stand straight in water ball ! *clap clap*

10S2b's Tuck Seng with Choi Yieng (Choi Yieng played for second time)

After played 'sepuas-puasnya'......
Queenie your Goddess pose is too brilliant ^^
To be continued for 2nd part......
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